Mountain Group 105

Top-level Files of release-1

Files in the top-level directory of check-in release-1

Mountain Group 105

You are a group of four weary travelers. You have been walking for so long that you no longer have any memory of where you came from or who you are. You cannot recall anything but the endless action of putting one foot in front of the other, traversing this empty landscape. Suddenly, you look up, startled out of your reverie. An imposing mountain looms before you. Your party steps forward, drawn to it for some inexplicable reason. You crane your neck to see if you can make out the peak, but the morning mist impedes your view. You all know you cannot go back to wherever you came from. You have to keep going. You have to climb the mountain. Maybe whatever waits for you up there will remind you of who you are… and what you’re searching for.

Quickstart Guide

This section contains instructions on how to download and run pre-compiled Jar distribution.

First, this project requires Java 17, so make sure that is installed.

Next, navigate to the latest GitHub release, then download and unzip the attached file.

Finally, navigate to the bin folder and run either course-project-group-105.bat (on Windows) or course-project-group-105.

Note: because JavaFX has native components, it is somewhat hit-or-miss whether the pre-compiled Jar will on a specific platform/operating system combination. It is only known to consistently work on Linux+amd64

If it does not work, try the instructions in the next section

Build (and Run) from Source

IntelliJ IDEA (IDE) Instructions

First download the source code by going to File > New > Project from Version Control..., set Version control: to Git, and the URL: to Then press Clone.

Next, if IntelliJ does not immediately recognize the fact this is a Gradle project (you can tell by the lack of a Gradle tab on any of the edges), navigate to the build.gradle file in the IDE. An icon with an elephant should appear, click it. There should now be a Gradle tab on one of the edges.

Finally, open the Gradle tab and navigate to course-project-group-105 > Tasks > application and double-click run.

Command-Line (CLI) Instructions

First, this project requires Java 17, so make sure that is installed.

Next clone the repository and switch to the directory which can be done by

git clone
cd course-project-group-105

Finally, this is a standard Gradle project, so to start the application simply run

gradlew.bat run

in the Windows CMD, or

./gradlew run

on any Unix-like operating system (or the built-in IntelliJ IDEA terminal).

Highlights (and extra hints for the TA)

Note for Apple Silicon Users (m1 and beyond chips)

Due to some dependency issues this game will NOT build properly for anyone using Apple Silicon (m1 or m2 chips). You should still be able to make changes and run and create tests.


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