Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2019-06-11 15:16:43.
ThymeLast ChangeSize
- .gitignore1.7 days499
- .travis.ymlcurrent153
- build.gradle7.5 days1,985
- core13.3 hours
- assets13.3 hours
- backgrounds35.7 hours
- home.png2.6 days63,205
- home2.6 days
- home.psd2.6 days742,135
- one.psd2.6 days311,833
- three.psd2.6 days286,505
- Thyme.psd2.6 days199,012
- two.psd2.6 days324,940
- one.png2.6 days18,644
- three.png2.6 days22,653
- two.png2.6 days15,025
- white.png35.7 hours157
- distractions1.7 days
- genIndex.js1.7 days998
- index1.7 days7,204
- favicons33.2 hours
- randomfacts.png33.2 hours10,833
- wikipedia.png7.5 days976
- help13.3 hours
- Double click to open windows.gif13.3 hours23,155
- index13.3 hours87
- Press submit to get next task.gif13.3 hours18,187
- Type in answers.gif13.3 hours22,863
- Use bookmarks to search for info.gif13.3 hours344,158
- icons13.3 hours
- browser.png6.6 days149,382
- exit.png1.9 days10,880
- help.png13.3 hours12,811
- reddit.png34.9 hours20,890
- tasks.png6.6 days126,732
- writer.png6.6 days62,705
- logos35.7 hours
- black.png20.0 days263,336
- scoreboard.png35.7 hours6,506
- thyme.png35.7 hours4,258
- white.png20.0 days250,028
- macros8.7 days
- html.xml8.7 days1,043
- skins8.7 days
- fonts8.7 days
- arial_large.fnt8.7 days128,125
- arial_large1.png8.7 days56,093
- arial_large2.png8.7 days69,786
- arial_large3.png8.7 days54,571
- arial_large4.png8.7 days28,635
- arial_small.fnt8.7 days110,444
- arial_small.png8.7 days71,740
- website8.7 days225
- styles7.5 days
- website.lss7.5 days861
- tasks13.3 hours
- Google32.7 hours399
- HTTP32.7 hours578
- index13.3 hours134
- Random Facts Quiz #132.4 hours679
- Random Facts Quiz #232.4 hours1,035
- Random Facts Quiz #332.4 hours911
- Random Facts Quiz #432.4 hours882
- Random Facts Quiz #532.4 hours937
- Shakespeare32.7 hours511
- Thyme32.7 hours533
- videos14.6 days
- intro.ogv14.6 days521,193
- websites13.3 hours
- genIndex.js1.6 days1,669
- home1.6 days
- home.xml6.6 days105
- index1.6 days8
- randomfacts.com13.3 hours
- 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed each second..xml33.2 hours78
- 3.9 of all women do not wear underwear..xml33.2 hours75
- A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out..xml33.2 hours75
- A piece of paper can be folded no more then 9 times..xml33.2 hours88
- A rainbow can be seen only in the morning or late afternoon. It can occur only when the sun is 40 degrees or less above the horizon..xml33.2 hours168
- A snail can sleep for three years..xml33.2 hours70
- A standard slinky measures 87 feet when stretched out..xml33.2 hours90
- All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 420, a national potsmokers hour..xml33.2 hours129
- American Airlines saved 40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in firstclass..xml33.2 hours138
- Arnold Schonberg suffered from triskaidecaphobia, the fear of the number 13. He died at 13 minutes from midnight on Friday the 13th..xml33.2 hours170
- Barbies measurements, if she were lifesize, would be 392933..xml33.2 hours100
- Caesar salad has nothing to do with any of the Caesars. It was first concocted in a bar in Tijuana, Mexico, in the 1920s..xml33.2 hours158
- Cats urine glows under a black light..xml33.2 hours73
- Each month, there is at least one report of UFOs from each province of Canada..xml33.2 hours114
- Evaluation and Parameterization of Stability and Safety Performance Characteristics of Two and Three Wheeled Vehicular Toys for Riding. Title of a 230,000 research project proposed by the Department o.xml33.2 hours324
- Every acre of American crops harvested contains 100 pounds of insects..xml33.2 hours105
- Hockey is played with six 6 players on the ice for each team five 5 skaters, one 1 goaltender. The typical roster size of a hockey team is twenty 20 players twelve 12 forwards, 6 defensemen, and two 2.xml33.2 hours263
- In eighteenthcentury English gambling dens, there was an employee whose only job was to swallow the dice if there was a police raid..xml33.2 hours169
- In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Inca Indians of Peru, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their sandals and handed them to each other..xml33.2 hours202
- index33.2 hours4,009
- It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona..xml33.2 hours88
- Kelsey Grammar sings and plays the piano for the theme song of Fraiser..xml33.2 hours107
- Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors..xml33.2 hours76
- No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver and purple..xml33.2 hours113
- One third of all cancers are sun related..xml33.2 hours77
- Owls are one of the only birds who can see the color blue.xml33.2 hours94
- Prince Charles is an avid collecter of toilet seats..xml33.2 hours88
- Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the United States.xml33.2 hours134
- The average talker sprays about 300 microscopic saliva droplets per minute, about 2.5 droplets per word..xml33.2 hours140
- The citrus soda 7UP was created in 1929 7 was selected after the original 7ounce containers and UP for the direction of the bubbles..xml33.2 hours175
- The crack of a whip is actually a tiny sonic boom, since the tip breaks the sound barrier..xml33.2 hours126
- The first owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer..xml33.2 hours96
- The Great Wall of China is the only manmade structure visible from space..xml33.2 hours110
- The Minneapolis phone book has 21 pages of Andersons..xml33.2 hours89
- The only two days of the year in which there are no professional sports gamesMLB, NBA, NHL, or NFLare the day before and the day after the Major League AllStar Game..xml33.2 hours206
- The sweat drops drawn in cartoon comic strips are called pleuts..xml33.2 hours100
- The U.S. military operates 234 golf courses.xml33.2 hours79
- The verb cleave is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other adhere and separate..xml33.2 hours151
- There are 1,792 steps in the Eiffel Tower.xml33.2 hours77
- There is a town in Newfoundland, Canada called Dildo..xml33.2 hours88
- To testify was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles..xml33.2 hours145
- Valentine Tapley from Pike County, Missouri grew chin whiskers attaining a length of twelve feet six inches from 1860 until his death 1910, protesting Abraham Lincolns election to the presidency..xml13.3 hours233
- Virginia Woolf wrote all her books standing..xml33.2 hours79
- Weatherman Willard Scott was the first original Ronald McDonald..xml33.2 hours99
- You can sail all the way around the world at latitude 60 degrees south..xml33.2 hours107
- You cant kill yourself by holding your breath. .xml33.2 hours86
- wikipedia.org33.6 hours
- .google.xml1.6 days1,849
- 2018 Google walkouts.xml1.6 days453
- A Song for Edmond Shakespeare.xml6.6 days915
- Adiantum (cipher).xml1.6 days708
- Adscape.xml1.6 days1,752
- Alphabet Inc..xml1.6 days7,983
- AlphaGo Zero.xml1.6 days7,348
- AlphaGo.xml1.6 days22,062
- AlphaZero.xml1.6 days10,411
- American Shakespeare Center.xml6.6 days10,233
- Android Dev Phone.xml1.6 days4,550
- Arden The World of Shakespeare.xml6.6 days758
- Arkangel Shakespeare.xml6.6 days10,079
- Ashbourne portrait.xml6.6 days8,702
- AstroLabs.xml1.6 days1,153
- Atdmt.xml1.6 days253
- Bardolatry.xml6.6 days6,302
- Baseline Study.xml1.6 days4,526
- Basic access authentication.xml1.6 days4,528
- BebaPay.xml1.6 days1,989
- Bed trick.xml6.6 days5,659
- Biblical allusions in Shakespeare.xml6.6 days20,375
- BigQuery.xml1.6 days1,520
- Bigtable.xml1.6 days3,655
- Blackle.xml1.6 days1,164
- Boydell Shakespeare Gallery.xml6.6 days35,066
- Brand safety.xml6.6 days2,087
- British Shakespeare Association.xml6.6 days812
- Cache Array Routing Protocol.xml1.6 days683
- Cardboard Crash.xml1.6 days1,264
- CardDAV.xml1.6 days2,904
- Censorship by Google.xml1.6 days33,283
- Chrome OS.xml1.6 days28,201
- Chrome Zone.xml1.6 days1,355
- Chronology of Shakespeare's plays.xml6.6 days7,004
- Church of the Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon.xml6.6 days7,180
- Comparison of CalDAV and CardDAV implementations.xml1.6 days810
- Constrained Application Protocol.xml1.6 days7,295
- Content negotiation.xml1.6 days4,851
- Corporation tax in the Republic of Ireland.xml1.6 days74,133
- Courtyard Theatre.xml6.6 days2,216
- Data Transfer Project.xml1.6 days995
- Dave Raggett.xml1.6 days5,505
- Dering Manuscript.xml6.6 days8,775
- Digest access authentication.xml1.6 days14,249
- Digital News Initiative.xml1.6 days2,219
- Domain Application Protocol.xml1.6 days548
- Domain name.xml1.6 days26,633
- Don't be evil.xml1.6 days5,269
- Double Irish arrangement.xml1.6 days36,280
- Dutch Sandwich.xml1.6 days4,906
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP.xml1.6 days8,612
- Egosurfing.xml1.6 days3,420
- Electronic mailing list.xml6.6 days7,266
- Elizabethan Stage Society.xml6.6 days876
- Emotive Internet.xml6.6 days8,110
- English Renaissance theatre.xml6.6 days29,985
- European Union vs. Google.xml1.6 days11,350
- FASTER (cable system).xml1.6 days814
- Fidele and Fortunio.xml1.6 days3,193
- Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act.xml1.6 days1,780
- G-Day.xml1.6 days2,539
- days348
- Gapminder Foundation.xml1.6 days3,118
- Garrick's Temple to Shakespeare.xml6.6 days11,392
- GData.xml1.6 days843
- GeoEye-1.xml1.6 days2,789
- Ghana Internet Policy.xml6.6 days4,578
- Global Internet usage.xml6.6 days2,337
- Globe Theatre.xml6.6 days9,723
- Google (verb).xml1.6 days4,052
- Google Account.xml1.6 days5,247
- Google Ad Grants.xml1.6 days3,876
- Google and Wikipedia.xml1.6 days853
- Google App Runtime for Chrome.xml1.6 days4,164
- Google ATAP.xml1.6 days10,135
- Google barges.xml1.6 days9,567
- Google bombing.xml1.6 days20,933
- Google Brain.xml1.6 days7,931
- Google Business Groups.xml1.6 days733
- Google Cast.xml1.6 days9,719
- Google China.xml1.6 days19,174
- Google data centers.xml1.6 days16,556
- Google Dataset Search.xml1.6 days451
- Google Developer Expert.xml1.6 days2,467
- Google Developers Live.xml1.6 days833
- Google Directory.xml1.6 days2,792
- Google effect.xml1.6 days5,854
- Google Environment.xml1.6 days4,044
- Google Express.xml1.6 days2,552
- Google Fast Pair.xml1.6 days1,278
- Google Fi.xml1.6 days6,112
- Google Fiber.xml1.6 days22,049
- Google File System.xml1.6 days5,273
- Google Founders' Award.xml1.6 days450
- Google Fred.xml1.6 days1,444
- Google Free Zone.xml1.6 days1,870
- Google logo.xml1.6 days5,590
- Google Lunar X Prize.xml1.6 days13,691
- Google Maori.xml1.6 days1,902
- Google Modular Data Center.xml1.6 days837
- Google Native Client.xml1.6 days9,903
- Google Neural Machine Translation.xml1.6 days4,934
- Google News Lab.xml1.6 days2,037
- Google PageSpeed Tools.xml1.6 days4,902
- Google Santa Tracker.xml1.6 days3,143
- Google Shell.xml1.6 days909
- Google Station.xml1.6 days3,259
- Google Student Ambassador Program.xml1.6 days1,616
- Google TalkBack.xml1.6 days594
- Google TV.xml1.6 days7,557
- Google v. Louis Vuitton.xml1.6 days7,922
- Google Wave Federation Protocol.xml1.6 days6,190
- Google Web Server.xml1.6 days730
- days1,079
- days1,438
- Google.xml1.6 days39,462
- Googlearchy.xml1.6 days1,699
- Googlepedia.xml1.6 days2,003
- Googleplex.xml1.6 days6,758
- Googleshare.xml1.6 days1,115
- Googlization.xml1.6 days8,312
- Goojje.xml1.6 days3,727
- Greene's Groats-Worth of Wit.xml6.6 days12,198
- GV (company).xml1.6 days1,738
- Hamlet Q1.xml6.6 days8,495
- Hebenon.xml6.6 days2,394
- Henrik Frystyk Nielsen.xml1.6 days2,649
- History of communication.xml6.6 days16,167
- History of Google.xml1.6 days23,670
- Honorificabilitudinitatibus.xml6.6 days12,056
- HTTP compression.xml1.6 days8,638
- HTTP Live Streaming.xml1.6 days6,784
- HTTP message body.xml1.6 days1,035
- HTTP persistent connection.xml1.6 days4,716
- HTTP pipelining.xml1.6 days5,632
- HTTP tunnel.xml1.6 days3,042
- HTTP2 Server Push.xml1.6 days6,461
- HTTP2.xml1.6 days12,546
- HTTP3.xml1.6 days1,161
- Httperf.xml1.6 days701
- HTTPS.xml1.6 days18,413
- HTTPsec.xml1.6 days4,489
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol.xml1.6 days22,834
- IBMGoogle Cloud Computing University Initiative.xml1.6 days903
- index33.6 hours9,870
- Internet as a Right (IaaR).xml6.6 days504
- Internet science.xml6.6 days9,165
- Internet studies.xml1.6 days9,170
- Internet.xml6.6 days65,807
- Ireland as a tax haven.xml1.6 days38,933
- Ireland Shakespeare forgeries.xml6.6 days22,210
- Jamboard.xml1.6 days1,920
- James Kinsella (journalist and tech entrepreneur).xml6.6 days4,660
- Jigsaw (company).xml1.6 days8,757
- Kaltix.xml1.6 days2,589
- Keyhole Markup Language.xml1.6 days3,890
- KidRex.xml1.6 days941
- King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon.xml6.6 days11,883
- King's Men (playing company).xml6.6 days27,358
- Languages used on the Internet.xml6.6 days4,679
- Licensee.xml1.6 days2,313
- Life of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days21,983
- Liftware.xml1.6 days582
- Link prefetching.xml1.6 days5,329
- Linked Data Platform.xml1.6 days2,894
- Liquid Galaxy.xml1.6 days1,067
- List of .well-known services offered by webservers.xml1.6 days951
- List of academic databases and search engines.xml6.6 days1,344
- List of accolades received by Netflix.xml6.6 days9,774
- List of assigned 8 IPv4 address blocks.xml1.6 days1,916
- List of BAFTA Awards received by Netflix.xml6.6 days579
- List of broadband over power line deployments.xml6.6 days10,733
- List of CBIR engines.xml6.6 days275
- List of countries by Internet connection speeds.xml1.6 days683
- List of countries by IPv4 address allocation.xml6.6 days701
- List of countries by number of broadband Internet subscriptions.xml6.6 days2,350
- List of countries by number of Internet hosts.xml6.6 days531
- List of countries by number of Internet users.xml6.6 days864
- List of Critics' Choice Television Awards received by Netflix.xml6.6 days1,242
- List of Danish online encyclopedic resources.xml6.6 days2,599
- List of data breaches.xml6.6 days1,031
- List of digital library projects.xml6.6 days365
- List of email archive software.xml6.6 days2,095
- List of email scams.xml6.6 days6,810
- List of email subject abbreviations.xml6.6 days13,278
- List of European countries by number of Internet users.xml6.6 days1,508
- List of FTP commands.xml6.6 days1,550
- List of FTP server return codes.xml6.6 days482
- List of Google Easter eggs.xml1.6 days33,509
- List of Google Play edition devices.xml1.6 days3,752
- List of Google products.xml6.6 days37,647
- List of hacker groups.xml6.6 days6,714
- List of HTTP header fields.xml1.6 days5,735
- List of HTTP status codes.xml1.6 days8,207
- List of international databases on individual student achievement tests.xml6.6 days412
- List of Internet entrepreneurs.xml6.6 days727
- List of Internet exchange points by size.xml6.6 days1,264
- List of Internet exchange points.xml6.6 days1,692
- List of Internet phenomena.xml6.6 days67,600
- List of internet service providers in India.xml6.6 days1,502
- List of IP protocol numbers.xml6.6 days711
- List of IP version numbers.xml6.6 days1,368
- List of IPv6 tunnel brokers.xml1.6 days439
- List of mail server software.xml6.6 days716
- List of Members of the U.S. Congress who support or oppose SOPAPIPA.xml6.6 days7,788
- List of mobile app distribution platforms.xml6.6 days1,098
- List of neuroscience databases.xml6.6 days921
- List of newsgroups.xml6.6 days6,248
- List of online databases.xml6.6 days5,386
- List of online digital musical document libraries.xml6.6 days503
- List of open-access journals.xml6.6 days7,752
- List of organizations with official stances on the SOPA and PIPA.xml6.6 days14,349
- List of original films distributed by Netflix.xml6.6 days876
- List of original programs distributed by Hotstar.xml6.6 days627
- List of original programs distributed by Netflix.xml6.6 days2,546
- List of original programs distributed by Sony Crackle.xml6.6 days277
- List of original stand-up comedy specials distributed by Netflix.xml6.6 days534
- List of PHP editors.xml6.6 days6,602
- List of quotes from Shakespeare in Brave New World.xml1.6 days17,833
- List of RFCs.xml6.6 days657
- List of Screen Actors Guild Awards received by Netflix.xml6.6 days1,671
- List of Shakespearean scenes.xml6.6 days342
- List of Shakespearean settings.xml6.6 days7,713
- List of SIP response codes.xml6.6 days4,902
- List of SMTP server return codes.xml6.6 days4,836
- List of social gaming networks.xml6.6 days210
- List of social software.xml6.6 days1,926
- List of TCP and UDP port numbers.xml6.6 days2,139
- List of translations of works by William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days496
- List of viral music videos.xml6.6 days39,243
- List of viral videos.xml6.6 days16,251
- List of virtual communities with more than 1 million users.xml6.6 days381
- List of virtual communities.xml6.6 days2,826
- List of web directories.xml6.6 days3,303
- List of webcomic awards.xml6.6 days4,767
- Lists of Internet Archive's collections.xml6.6 days576
- Lord Chamberlain's Men.xml6.6 days13,511
- Made with Code.xml1.6 days6,166
- Martha Speaks (TV series).xml6.6 days10,613
- Material Design.xml1.6 days2,937
- Matheson (law firm).xml1.6 days6,744
- Matt Nathanson Live at Google.xml1.6 days1,008
- Mayfield Mall.xml1.6 days2,252
- Mediabot.xml1.6 days1,217
- Melbourne Shakespeare Society.xml6.6 days828
- Metaverse Shakespeare Company.xml6.6 days6,330
- MMCache.xml1.6 days1,088
- MUSCULAR (surveillance program).xml1.6 days3,986
- Music in the plays of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days1,833
- Neatx.xml1.6 days944
- O'Reilly Open Source Award.xml1.6 days4,509
- O3b Networks.xml1.6 days7,442
- OKR.xml1.6 days2,967
- Old measures.xml6.6 days3,505
- OneWeb satellite constellation.xml1.6 days17,488
- Open Source Shakespeare.xml6.6 days2,258
- OpenPOWER Foundation.xml1.6 days4,915
- OpenSocial.xml1.6 days11,725
- Outline of Google.xml1.6 days7,284
- Outline of the Internet.xml1.6 days10,692
- Outline of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days9,915
- Owle Schreame Awards.xml6.6 days1,387
- Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship.xml1.6 days71,317
- PageRank algorithm in biochemistry.xml1.6 days4,004
- Palladis Tamia.xml6.6 days4,812
- Patch verb.xml1.6 days7,650
- Pierce Penniless.xml6.6 days7,530
- Pierre-Antoine de La Place.xml6.6 days3,980
- Pimp My Search.xml1.6 days858
- Political Google bombs in the 2004 U.S. Presidential election.xml1.6 days5,309
- Poly (website).xml1.6 days1,343
- POST (HTTP).xml1.6 days5,720
- Privacy concerns regarding Google.xml1.6 days34,316
- Product Sans.xml1.6 days1,991
- Project Sunroof.xml1.6 days1,254
- Project Zero.xml1.6 days4,797
- Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab.xml1.6 days1,700
- Queen Elizabeth's Men.xml6.6 days9,464
- Religious views of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days26,248
- Remesh Ramachandran.xml1.6 days918
- Representational state transfer.xml1.6 days9,181
- Reputation of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days38,786
- Roy Fielding.xml1.6 days1,929
- Rules of the garage.xml1.6 days1,475
- Salmon (protocol).xml1.6 days1,971
- Sam Wanamaker Award.xml6.6 days2,165
- Sam Wanamaker Playhouse.xml6.6 days3,278
- San Francisco tech bus protests.xml1.6 days10,825
- days2,747
- Sea Venture.xml6.6 days10,036
- Search engine manipulation effect.xml1.6 days7,337
- Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol.xml1.6 days2,591
- Service Package Interpreter.xml1.6 days1,000
- Session (computer science).xml1.6 days12,712
- Sexuality of William Shakespeare.xml6.6 days13,982
- Shakespeare Association of America.xml6.6 days1,125
- Shakespeare Club of Stratford-upon-Avon.xml6.6 days4,563
- Shakespeare Garden (Evanston, Illinois).xml6.6 days2,732
- Shakespeare garden.xml6.6 days10,912
- Shakespeare Ladies Club.xml6.6 days9,020
- Shakespeare North.xml6.6 days2,001
- Shakespeare Programming Language.xml1.6 days5,429
- Shakespeare's handwriting.xml6.6 days23,622
- Shakespeare's influence.xml6.6 days14,164
- Shakespeare's Jest Book.xml6.6 days4,773
- Shakespeare's Kings.xml6.6 days1,450
- Shakespeare's late romances.xml6.6 days10,329
- Shakespeare's will.xml6.6 days6,212
- Shakespeare's writing style.xml6.6 days7,864
- Shakespearean dance.xml6.6 days2,977
- Shottery.xml6.6 days2,214
- Site Reliability Engineering.xml1.6 days4,458
- Sitelink.xml1.6 days2,045
- Sky Map.xml1.6 days695
- SkySat.xml1.6 days3,906
- Sociology of the Internet.xml6.6 days19,237
- Solve for X.xml1.6 days1,819
- Spelling of Shakespeare's name.xml6.6 days18,980
- Stanford Digital Library Project.xml1.6 days1,434
- Stratford's Historic Spine.xml6.6 days6,064
- Swinstead Abbey.xml6.6 days456
- Thane of Cawdor.xml6.6 days804
- The Family Shakespeare.xml1.6 days19,150
- The Google Book.xml1.6 days1,389
- The Immortal Bard.xml6.6 days3,557
- The Internship.xml1.6 days9,180
- The Other Place (theatre).xml6.6 days3,547
- The Pattern of Painful Adventures.xml6.6 days682
- The Rose (theatre).xml6.6 days10,741
- The Secrets to App Success on Google Play.xml1.6 days1,800
- The Seven Ages of Man (painting series).xml6.6 days4,798
- The Shakespeare Center.xml6.6 days6,047
- The Shakespeare Project.xml6.6 days4,593
- The Tragedy of Arthur.xml6.6 days26,439
- The Wars of the Roses (adaptation).xml6.6 days31,973
- Thyme.xml33.6 hours5,304
- Tim Berners-Lee.xml1.6 days14,624
- Unity (cable system).xml1.6 days2,679
- UTM parameters.xml1.6 days2,662
- Versus Debates.xml1.6 days776
- Virtual private server.xml1.6 days3,458
- WaveNet.xml1.6 days7,802
- Waymo.xml1.6 days18,602
- Web cache.xml1.6 days3,742
- Web Intents.xml1.6 days1,866
- Web-based SSH.xml1.6 days6,240
- WebDAV.xml1.6 days11,046
- Webdriver Torso.xml1.6 days5,333
- Webhook.xml1.6 days1,882
- WebM.xml1.6 days6,103
- WebP.xml1.6 days8,687
- WebSub.xml1.6 days3,209
- William Shakespeare's collaborations.xml6.6 days6,265
- William Shakespeare's Star Wars trilogy.xml6.6 days1,365
- William Shakespeare.xml1.6 days43,267
- Willobie His Avisa.xml1.6 days13,154
- Women in Shakespeare's works.xml6.6 days4,949
- York Shakespeare Project.xml6.6 days4,060
- build.gradle13.0 days200
- src13.3 hours
- com34.9 hours
- holidaystudios34.9 hours
- tools34.9 hours
- GifDecoder.java34.9 hours18,292
- ml13.3 hours
- educationallydesigned13.3 hours
- thyme13.3 hours
- core13.3 hours
- levels13.3 hours
- DeficiencyRoom.java13.3 hours3,400
- EscapeRoom.java13.3 hours3,782
- GameLevel.java13.3 hours8,667
- PanicRoom.java13.3 hours3,555
- screens13.3 hours
- AnimationScreen.java13.3 hours3,419
- EndLevelScreen.java13.3 hours6,867
- HomeScreen.java13.3 hours5,849
- LeaderboardScreen.java13.3 hours6,378
- NamePromptScreen.java13.3 hours4,783
- windows13.3 hours
- browser13.3 hours
- BrowserWindow.java13.3 hours8,222
- SearchView.java13.3 hours4,664
- DesktopWindow.java34.0 hours2,628
- HelpWindow.java13.3 hours2,644
- SocialMediaWindow.java13.3 hours5,218
- TextEditorWindow.java13.3 hours4,021
- TrackerWindow.java13.3 hours3,736
- Thyme.java13.3 hours3,618
- util13.3 hours
- BackgroundColor.java34.9 hours5,145
- browser13.3 hours
- Bookmark.java13.3 hours1,539
- Browser.java13.3 hours2,171
- NotFoundException.java34.5 hours1,263
- Page.java13.3 hours1,457
- Search.java13.3 hours2,375
- CenteredTable.java34.5 hours1,796
- desktop34.5 hours
- DesktopIcon.java34.5 hours2,569
- Dialog.java34.8 hours2,365
- scoreboard13.3 hours
- Score.java13.3 hours2,468
- Scoreboard.java13.3 hours4,773
- Skippable.java34.5 hours1,139
- socialmedia13.3 hours
- AnimatedDrawable.java13.3 hours2,389
- GifPost.java13.3 hours2,219
- task13.3 hours
- Survey.java13.3 hours2,668
- Task.java13.3 hours4,844
- TaskGenerator.java13.3 hours2,811
- time13.3 hours
- InvalidTimerStateException.java34.5 hours1,316
- Timer.java13.3 hours2,731
- desktop2.8 days
- build.gradle13.0 days1,640
- src2.8 days
- ml2.8 days
- educationallydesigned2.8 days
- thyme2.8 days
- desktop2.8 days
- DesktopLauncher.java2.8 days1,945
- gradle.properties31.9 days96
- gradle31.9 days
- wrapper31.9 days
- gradle-wrapper.jar31.9 days54,208
- gradle-wrapper.properties31.9 days230
- gradlew31.9 days5,299
- gradlew.bat31.9 days2,260
- LICENSE31.9 days34,523
- README.md3.8 minutes1,308
- settings.gradle31.9 days25